The Africa Tourism Promotion Centre (ATPC) ,International Event
Organizing Board, have accorded Africa Continent to host ,"World Great
Safari Tour" 2014, so as to sunspot Africa Continent Countries Efforts
in Promotion and Protection of Tourism, Investments Opportunities,
Environments and Wildlife Protection.

Africa Tourism Promotion Centre, is an International Entity dedicated
and committed at promotion and advertisements of Tourism , Culture ,
Natural Resources , Investments Opportunities , Environments and
Wildlife Protection at International and National Level , in the course
of Hallmark International Events of Sports , Culture, Pageantry Tourism
,Tours and Carnivals ,Conferences, Bonanza , Concerts etc

We at Africa Tourism Promotion Centre we believes that Tourism
Industry is a Powerful Poverty Elevation Tool and among major World's
Economic and Development contributor. However ,the Tourism Industry
Growth mainly in Africa Countries face number of barrier few to mention
are : Poaching, Weak infrastructures, High Promotion and Advertisement
Cost, deficient in Domestic Tourism, Environment Distractions and lack
of Tourism awareness among the Community and the Public, also break open
between Tourism, Wildlife, and Environment Protections.

We believe ,The Time is Now ,the right Time for Public and Private
Sectors to Join up our Hands and Efforts for Overcoming all The Tourism
Growth and Development Barriers so that we promote Tourism ,Culture,
Environments,Wildlife, Tourism Investment Opportunities and Ant Poaching
.That is why we have created "World Great Safari Tour" an international
Event with capacity of Promoting Tourism,Tourism Investment
Opportunities,Wildlife and Environment Protections (Ant Poaching) and
stimulation of Tourism and Environments and Wildlife Protection
awareness among the Public both at National (Host Country) and
International Level.

World Great Safari Tour 2014, is a heavily Media Lead Events ,to be
Televised and Streamed LIVE from Africa accorded Host Country to
Worldwide,promoting and showcasing at large Host Country Tourism and
Culture,Investment and Trade Opportunities,Goods and Services and mainly
Ant Poaching, Environments and Wildlife Protection Efforts.

World Great Safari Tour 2014,will comprise Miss University Tourism
World 2014 ,World Final ( With 120 Contestants ,120 Countries), Ant
Poaching International Marathon 2014 , National Parks International
Marathon 2014,Wildlife International Marathon 2014 all with More Than
100 Countries ,12,000 International and Local Athletics. Also comprises
World Tourism Award 2014 in more than 21 Tourism Categories ,

and Great Safari Tour 2014 to Host Country Tourist Attractions
(National Parks, Cultural Monuments,Historic Sites,Conservation Areas,
Marine Parks) and of course in Street for Filming and Photo Shootings (
With More Than 480 International Participants including Contestants and
International Media Personnel), last but not the list World Great
Safari Tour 2014 will also Comprise International Conference on Linking
Tourism Growth, Environments and Wildlife Protection Agenda.

Registration of Delegates for Participation in The International
Marathons,Tour,International Tourism Conference and Contesting for Miss
University Tourism World 2014 is going on Direct International
Organizing Board and National Directors worldwide.
Dates and Host Country to Be Announced shortly