Fourteen youths graduated in a training session on governance
organized by Compassion.

Compassion International Tanzania Chapter has taken the initiative to train future leaders from grassroot  level  In order to solve the current problem of having political contestants who fall short of what is required of them in leadership.
The President for Compassion International (Africa), Mr Sydney Muisyo said in Arusha  last week  that  at the moment many leaders arise from politicians who simply campaign for posts based on popularity but many lack basic leadership skills, diplomacy know-how and have little idea on how to handle their subjects or community as whole.
Mr Muisyo was speaking during the Compassion International’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) first Graduation event in which a total of 14 youngsters  graduated  in a training  session  on governance.    

For the last 16 years, Compassion International has been supporting Tanzanian children from poor families by providing them with basic Primary and Secondary education and also seeing the promising ones to higher levels of learning.

Compassion Tanzania’s Country Director Ms Agnes Hotay said the organization which set foot in the country  in 1999  starting from Arusha has seen a total of 40 youth beneficiaries graduating  from  University  education.
“We have also helped to educate nearly 75,000 children throughout Tanzania and we have been taking under our care those as young as three years up to seven years and many are now fully-grown and independent adults,” stated Ms Hotay.
She explained that the Leadership Development Program (LDP) started in 2012 beginning with 20 students and 14  have graduated while  6  others are still undertaking their training.
The Arusha Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) Mr Adoh Mapunda was the guest of honour during the graduation ceremony said the country needed experienced and learned leaders and the youth should seek vacancies in government and Non-government institutions.

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