A policeman at Babati Police Station has been brutally killed allegedly by a local FM Station announcer after being stabbed 15 times with a knife in what is believed to be a dispute over a school girl.

Some witnesses of the incident alleged that after a man identified as John Mkumbo, a radio announcer, had stabbed his victim muliple times he ran 20 kilometres to Dareda Area escaping an  irate mob that wanted to lynch him.

Manyara Regional Police Commander, Mr. Christopher Fuime confirmed the occurrence of the incident and mentioned the name of the deceased as Rashid Haruna (30).

 Commander Fuime said the incident occurred on October 10 this year in Block ‘X’ Area, Babati Town. Police have arrested a form two girl student (name withheld) of Komoto Secondary School in connection to the incident. The two were allegedly fighting to win her love.
“The deceased with Force Number G.3574 was killed by John Mkumbo while they were at the Mount Elgon Bar. The victim  was multiple times   stabbed in the body and due to over bleeding he died while he was at the Mrara Hospital,” said Mr. Fuime.
Preliminary investigations, he said, have revealed that   the source of the fight  was to win the love of  the female student, who ran away soon after the incident.
“The deceased was stabbed fifteen times in various parts of the body including in the back, arms, right and left hand, ribs and in the chest leaving a deep hole,” said Mr. Fuime.
According to him the body of the deceased has been transported to Makete District while the police are still hunting for John Mkumbo in order to be booked for murder charges.

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