Finals of a  snooker tournament, sponsored by Mr Manjit Singh of TUT Arusha, was played on November 22 at  the Arusha Gymkhana Club.
Finalists in group A Hatim Khanbhai played Pritesh Parmar in nail biting 3 frames. Pritesh potted some brilliant balls and won the  tournament. Hatim did not have the run of the balls but put up a great fight. 
In group B the story was some what similar. Moez Dalal won the trophy with just as amazing pottings against Hitesh Popat who after having won the first frame could not keep up.
Simba Rahim did not make it to the finals. However,  he did not  managed to pinch the highest break trophy with a break of 25.  
Overall the tournament was played in the best of spirits, discipline and truly enjoyable atmosphere all the way through.
From left: Rahim Jamal winner of highest break, Pritesh Parmar
winner of group A, Hitesh Popat runner up group B, Hatim
Khanbhai runner up group A, Aziz Kassam Captain, Manjit
Singh the Sponsor & Moez Dalal winner group B.

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