


New faces win CCM  primaries as Lema shines in Chadema 

Ms Namelok Sokoine, the youngest daughter of the former Prime Minister, the late Edward Moringe Sokoine, has topped  Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)  preferential polls  to run for Monduli Parliamentary race through CCM ticket.

She is therefore likely to take over from the former MP for Monduli and former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa, who  joined the opposition Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) through which he has been endorsed to  vie for presidency.

Ms Sokoine, has been serving as special seat Member of Parliament since 2010. She beat Mr Amani Ole Silanka who has defected  from the opposition Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) to join CCM and took the form to vie for parliamentary representation in the Monduli constituency.

Godbless Lema, Arusha Urban (Chadema)
Namelok Sokoine, Monduli, CCM
 In Arumeru East, Mr John D. Pallangyo (CCM) whose nickname ‘John Deere,’  derived from the famous American  tractors, has won the primaries battle. With nearly 12,000 votes in his favour, 'John Deere' prevailed over seven other contenders including the former contender for the constituency, Mr Siyoi Sumari and Mr William (Bill) Sarakikya.
In case the CCM National Electoral Committee in Dodoma approves his name, then Mr Pallangyo stands to play it off against  CHADEMA candidate, Mr Joshua Nassari who previously beat Mr Siyoi during the by-elections of April 2012.

The Arusha-Urban constituency tallies indicated that Mr Philemon Mollel (Monaban) was leading the pack which had 12 contestants, with  Mr Justine Nyari coming closely behind him. Already Mr Nyari has lodged complaints against Mollel victory citing issues like early campaigns and the allegations that Mollel used 'tribalism' card as well.

Should CCM-NEC endorse Philemon Mollel, or the first runner-up, Justine Nyari, either of them will face incumbent MP, Mr. Godbless Lema of CHADEMA who has been chosen by his party to contest again.
In Moshi-Urban chopper flying, Kinondoni resident, Mr David Mosha with 5271 votes topped the list.  Minister Dr Cyril Chami (5610 votes ) was victorious in Moshi-Rural, Mr Innocent Shirima (4548) topped Vunjo while in the Siha constituency the former Arusha District Commissioner Mr Aggrey Mwanri who is also the Deputy Minister for Regional Administration, earned 12,893 votes against Anaeli Nanyaro 1876, and managed to retain his power in the area.

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